Tuesday, June 19, 2012

About Me and This Blog

Hey there.  I'm Stephen. This is a blog about beer. That's about it.

I am a 21 year old college student who is just at the beginning of a journey that I will be on the rest of my life: Enjoying Good Beer. So go ahead - Pour Me One More.

I want to clarify (to my mom, professors, and friends who might be reading this here blog) that I am by no way using this as an excuse to drink heavily or will let it take over my other duties as a student or human being. I simply enjoy beer, and have been wanting for a while now to document what I was drinking.

I have 2 reasons for starting this blog (other than it being a class assignment):

Reason 1: For others to see what I enjoy and why I enjoy it and to open up communication between us to share knowledge and recommendations for future drinks.

Reason 2: So over time I can look back and see what I have had, what I have enjoyed, and what I didn't like so much. That way, as I continue on this journey, I get smarter about my own likes and dislikes, in the end making better choices.

I enjoy learning about stuff, I always have. I like to know where things come from, how they are made, what makes them work. That has transferred to my beer drinking experience. I am interested to know about the people and breweries behind the drinks I choose. I look them up on the internet, read the labels and six packs. If I don't know what a word means, I look it up. I follow blogs and Reddit posts (r/beer has been a big help) that broaden my knowledge about this wonderful, complex drink.

Now let me be straight with you here, I do not want to sound like and expert at all. I am a "noob" by every since of the word. I do not have a background in critiquing anything. I am not here to give you my expert opinion. I am keeping this blog to document the journey of learning and maybe one day reaching that level of expertise, and I want you along for the ride to offer your opinions and suggestions.

I also want to be up front in saying that I am no beer-snob. I will throw back a Budweiser, Bud Light, Miller Lite, Corona or PBR when the opportunity arises. However, I have my issues with the macro companies that dominate the beer market (which I hope to address in post later). This blog will focus on the tasting and enjoyment of craft and micro-brewery beers that are not part of the large companies. I want to support the small, local guys. Their beer offers so much variety and uniqueness, I want to explore this to find my own taste preferences. I do not see a reason to stick to the bland, ordinary guys that are already making a ton of money when there is so much more out there to taste and experience (again I hope to delve into this later).

So that's me, this is my blog. Lets get started.

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